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Tiger  Daze 

Table  of  Contents 


To  the  Students  of  1976-77  -  Dr .  Gwen  Nelson,  President     2 

Opening  Activities     4 

Football    6 

Football  Homecoming  1976     10 

Arkalalah  1976     12 

Baseball    16 

Basketball     19 

"Bus  Stop"      22 

Student  Government  Association    24 

Phi  Beta  Lambda    27 

Basketball  Homecoming  1977    28 

Women's  Athletics    30 

Cheerleaders 33 

Tennis     34 

Intramurals    36 

"Bye  Bye  Birdie"     38 

"Harvey" 40 

Humanities     42 

Social  Science    43 

Student  Services    44 

Natural  Science     45 

Business  Technology     46 

Business  Technology     48 

Galle  Johnson  Hall     50 

Buildings  and  Gounds    52 

Secretarial  Staff 53 

Student  Center     54 

Industrial  Technology     56 

Agri-Business    58 

Carpentry     59 

Cosmetology    60 

Senior  Citizens    61 

Recreation  Building    62 

Sports  Banquet     63 

The  "Cycle"    64 

Bridal  Showcase     66 

Music     67 

Honors  Banquet    68 

Board  of  Trustees     74 

Graduates     75 

Dr.  Nelson  talks  with  parents  and  students  at  the  reception 
following  commencement  exercises. 

Dr.  Nelson  explains  the  long  range  plans  and  reports  on  the  ac- 
complishments of  the  college. 

To  The  Students  Of  1976-1977 

Cowley  County  Community  College  is  an  exciting  place  to  "learn  a  living  -  and  learn  to 
live. "  At  a  time  when  college  enrollments  have  declined  across  the  country,   CCCC  has  exper- 
ienced a  steady  growth,  and  the  forecast  is  for  this  growth  to  continue.  It  is  not  our  goal  to  be- 
come a  large  school,  but  to  be  a  friendly,  "people"  oriented  institution,  that  will  help  students 
achieve  a  variety  of  life's  objectives. 

Sustained  growth,  in  a  period  of  a  declining  pool  of  potential  students,  will  require  careful 
planning,  hard  work,  quality  programs,  and  an  attractive  campus  atmosphere.  This  is  the 
commitment  of  the  administration,  faculty,  and  Trustees  of  the  College. 

The  past  year  has  been  one  of  enjoyment  and  accomplishment.  My  sincere  hope  is  that  we 
have  helped  you  to  move  closer  to  your  goals,  and  that  you  will  help  us  to  move  closer  to  ours. 

Gwen  Nelson 


£"    ^ 

Students  listen  to  faculty 
and  staff  explain  different 
aspects  of  CCCC. 

Freshman  Orientation  is  a  time  for  stu- 
dents to  acquaint  themselves  with  faculty, 
clubs  and  organizations  as  well  as  to  tour  the 
campus.  This  year  many  first-time  freshman 
and  transfer  students  attended  the  orientation. 
Many  students  felt  that  it  helped  them  to  fam- 
iliarize themselves  with  college  life. 

The  Watermelon  Feed  was  a  chance  for 
new  students  to  meet  other  students,  and  foot 
ball  and  volleyball  teams.  Coaches  Linda 
Hargrove  and  Ben  Cleveland  introduced  the 
players.  Some  activities  included  a  waterme- 
lon eating  contest  and  seed  spitting  contest. 
The  feed  was  sponsored  by  SGA.  After  the 
feed  everyone  was  invited  to  go  to  the  Student 

M^X'i>^  \  ' 

Coach  Jim  Martin  enjoys 
the  food  at  the  bonfire 
along  with  many  other 
students  and  faculty 

The  Football  bonfire  sponsored  by  the  Tiger  Action 
Club  (T.  A.C. )  was  held  on  Sept.   10  at  Carver  Park  at 
6:30  p.  m.  It  attracted  more  students  than  the  previously 
held  bonfires.  The  students  as  well  as  the  faculty  helped 
to  put  a  spark  in  the  Tiger's  anticipation  for  the  first 
home  game  against  Fort  Scott  that  night.  Hotdogs,  chips, 
and  pop  were  enjoyed  by  all  who  attended. 

The  cheerleaders  and 
mascot  "fire  up"  the 
crowd  at  the  bonfire  be- 
fore the  first  home  game 
against  Fort  Scott. 


,  /:tA-:   -■■  -■.* ■„-; 

As  strong  as  ever,  the  CCCC  Tigers  Football  Team  put  energy 
and  vigor  into  every  game.  Perhaps  the  season  was  not  the  best  (the 
win/loss  tally  1  and  9),  but  the  Tigers  kept  their  "Spirit.  "  The  team, 
with  the  help  of  the  cheerleaders  and  spectators,  made  each  game 
seem  a  victory  because  of  the  enthusiasm  and  support  involved.  This 
past  year  the  team  proved  that  there's  much  more  to  football  than 
just  playing  the  game. 


Left  To  Right:  1st  Row:  Mike  Holman,   Winfield  freshman;  Randy  Barnhart,    Lyndon  freshman;  Scott  Bauck,    Lyndon  fresh- 
man; Jeff  Killman,   Dexter  freshman;  Gregg  Wyrick,   West  Elk  freshman;    Charles  Bell,   Wichita  freshman;  Mark  Davis,    Se- 
dan sophomore;  and  Jeff  August,    Boulder,    Colorado  freshman.    2nd  Row:  Vince  Sylvania,    Pennsylvania  freshman;  Greg  Gor- 
rell,   Wichita  sophomore;  Gary  Koenke,   Ark.    City  freshman;  Dan  Baker,  Wichita  freshman;  Craig  Hulings,   Lancaster  sopho- 
more; Bret  Ingram,   Belle  Plaine  freshman;  Ron  Nash,    Missouri  freshman;  Tom  May,    Conway  Springs  freshman;  Ron  Foster, 
Lenora  freshman;  and  James  Hepler,   Alva,    Oklahoma  sophomore.    3rd  Row:  Head  Football  Coach  Ben  Cleveland;  Defensive 
Coordinator  Art  Ogden;  Tim  Easter,   Wichita  freshman;  Warren  Russell,    Lubbock,    Texas  sophomore;  Mel  High,   Lubbock, 
Texas  sophomore;  Don  Wills,   Anton,    Texas  sophomore;  Ken  Spexarth,    Colwich  sophomore;  Bob  Rader,    Effingham  sopho- 
more; Eddie  Graham,   Altus,    Oklahoma  freshman;  Offensive  Line  Coach  Chuck  Watson;  and  Defensive  Line  Coach  Jim  Mar- 
tin.  4th  Row:  Rich  Holman,   Defensive  Back  Coach;  Junior  Killman,   Dexter  sophomore;  Jim  Lane,   North  Huntingdon,   Penn- 
sylvania freshman;  David  Clevenger,   Aurora,    Colorado  freshman;  Clayton  Jones,    Rentz,    Georgia  freshman;  Clifton  Jones, 
Rentz,    Georgia  freshman;  Terry  Witte,  Oxford  sophomore;  Charles  Woods,   Wichita  freshman;  Paul  Simonton,   Evergreen, 
Colorado  freshman;  and  Doug  Ball,   Manhattan  freshman.    5th  Row:  Glen  Morgan,    Stillwater,    Oklahoma  sophomore;  Matt 
Victor,    Salem,    Missouri  freshman;  Bob  Hoyt,   Dexter  freshman;  Scott  Burg,   Abilene  freshman;  Don  Barclay,   Ark.  City 
sophomore;  David  Crieger,    Howard  freshman;  Bob  Juden,   Ark.    City  sophomore;  Terry  Flauding,   South  Haven  freshman; 
Wes  Flory,   Newton  sophomore. 






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Tiger  QB  Ron  Nash  getting  ready  to  hand  off 
the  ball . 

Coach  Art  Ogden 




Haskell                               6 


Fort  Scott*                       20 


Garden  City                     35 
Hutchinson                       37 



Dodge  City*                     21 
Dodge  City*                     21 
Butler  County*                 44 
Coffeyville                      68 
Highland*                         48 
Pratt                                  6 



Independence*                 49 


*Home  Games 

(Sept.    4) 

(Sept.  11) 

(Sept.  18) 

(Sept.  25) 

(Oct.    2) 

(Oct.    2) 

(Oct.    9) 

(Oct.  16) 

(Oct.  23) 

(Oct.  30) 

(Nov.  6) 

Cheerleaders  Linda  Taylor, 
Kathy  Harris ,  and  Glenda 
Smith  go  through  the  ' '  Tiger 
Rag ' '  routine  with  Mr .  Pratt 
and  the  Pep  Band . 

Coach  Jim  Martin 

Terri  Davis 

1976  Football  Homecoming  Queen  Lynn  Pettigrew  with  escort  Bob  Rader. 

During  the  Tiger -Highland  halftime,   Lynn  Pettigrew,  Dexter 
sophomore,  was  crowned  this  year's  football  homecoming  queen.  e    inney 

Lynn  received  the  traditional  crown,  bouquet,  autographed  football,  and  a  congratulations 
kiss  from  SGA  president  Ken  Spexarth,  Colwich  sophomore.   Lynn  was  escorted  by  Effing- 
ham sophomore,  Bob  Rader.  Her  attendents  were  Terri  Davis,  Winfield  sophomore,  escor- 
ted by  Don  Barclay,  Ark  City  sophomore;  and  June  Finney,  Winfield  sophomore,  escorted  by 
Rick  Morgan,  Ark  City. 

September  24,  1976  Arkalalah  activities  got  underway  with  the  introduction  of  the  candidates 
for  Queen  Alalah.  Candidates  were:  First  Row:  Wendy  Skinner,  Holly  Robinson,  Terri  Shea, 
Pam  Feaster.   Second  Row:  Christie  Rieck,  Dana  Bradley,  Tammi  Graves,  Lynn  Pettigrew, 
Wendy  Lauritzen.  Third  Row:  Renee  Mulkey,  Kendall  Randall,   Marilyn  Benton.  Fourth  Row: 
Debbie  Lowry,  June  Finney,   Cindy  Kinzie.  Fifth  Row:  Terri  Davis,  Kathy  Sander  holm,  Jody 
Holt,   Margene  Wheeler. 

On  September  24,  1976,  election  was  held  to  vote 
for  the  10  finalists  for  Queen  Alalah.  Chosen  were: 
Front  Row-Kathy  Sanderholm,  Lynn  Pettigrew, 
Terri  Davis,  June  Finney,  Debbie  Lowry,  Back 
Row-Christie  Rieck,  Tammi  Graves,  Terri  Shea, 
Cindy  Kinzie,  Renee  Mulkey. 


September  29,  a  county- 
wide  election  was  held.  Citi- 
zens of  Cowley  County  were 
given  a  chance  to  elect  the  5 
finalists  for  Queen  Alalah. 
Those  elected  were  Renee  Mul- 
key,  Terri  Shea,  Terri  Davis, 
Cindy  Kinzie  and  Tammi  Graves. 



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Renee  Mulkey  was  chosen  as  Queen 
Alalah  and  Terri  Davis  was  chosen  as 
1st  Runner-up.   Renee  was  crowned 
during  Coronation  Ceremonies  October 
29,  1976.  Following  the  Coronation 
was  a  Queen's  ball  held  in  honor  of 
the  Queen  and  her  attendants. 

Tammi  Graves,   Renee  Mulkey,   and  Terri 
Davis  seem  to  be  enjoying  themselves  at  the 
Pancake  feed  sponsored  by  the  Kiwanis  Club 
on  the  morning  of  October  30. 

CCCC's  Ag  members  partici- 
pated in  the  Bed  Race  during 
Arkalalah  festivities.   Shown 
are-Phil  Foster,  Ed  Crow,   Chris 
Brownie e,    Gaylen  Webb,   Ed 

Queen  Alalah  and  her  attendants  on  the  Queen's  float  during  the  Arka- 
lalah Parade. 



SGA  spent  many  hours  of  hard  work  to  have  their  float  res 
for  the  parade.   Those  riding  in  the  parade  were:  John  Har 
Dara  Collins,    Pam  Feaster,   Connie  Hobaugh,    and  Kelly 

Front  Row:  Bob  Hoyt,    Randy  Davis,    Chris  Dings,   David  Webb,   Guy  Miller,    and  Wes  Flory.   Back  Row:  Carl  Volk,    Gary 
Koenke,    Rick  Baker,    Mark  Davis,   Scott  Watson,   Bret  Ingram,    and  Coach  Ben  Cleveland. 

The  Tigers  finished  the  year  with  an  overall  record  of 

Pitcher  David  Webb  throws  the  ball  to  second  baseman 
Rick  Baker  hoping  to  get  the  runner  out. 

Randy  Davis,    a  Sedan  sophomore,   leads  the  nation  in  most  home  runs,   has  10 
in  19  games.    This  is  based  on  percentages,   which  is  .  526  per  game,    almost 
100  percentage  points  above  the  next  player. 

Boy  Hoyt  makes  a  play. 

Wes  Flory  covers  home  plate. 



Front  Row:  Jeff  Stromgren,  Joe  McClendon,  Dallas  Hodges,   Robert  Milner,   Ronnie  Ryer,  Vincent  Fuller,   Coach  Jerry  Mul- 
len.  Back  Row:  Coach  Lindwood  Burns,   Earl  Lewis,  John  Dautel,  Aaron  Cusic,  David  Powell,   Robert  Kelly,   Keith  Robinson. 

Men's  basketball  team  getting  ready  for  practice. 

Jeff  Stromgren,  Abilene  sophomore, 
goes  up  for  two  more  points  against 
St.  Johns. 

Gwen  Nelson,    Coach  Jerry  Mullen  (Basketball),   and  Coach  Ben  Cleveland  'Football,  baseball) 
imine  the  new  Tiger  mini-bus. 

Tigers  tough  defense  makes  it  hard  for  Neosho  to  pass  the  ball.  Jeff  Stromgj 
and  Joe  McClendon  play  super  defense. 

David  Powell  Salina  freshman  makes  a  desperate 
attempt  to  get  the  ball. 

Joe  McClendon  shooting  for  two  more  points  agn 

Ronnie  Ryer  goes  up  for  a  lay-up. 

Bus  Stop 

"Bus  Stop"  fall  play,  stops 

This  year's  fall  play  was 
"Bus  Stop"  under  the  direction 
of  Mrs.  Elaine  Brown.  A  pro- 
duct of  the  CCCC  Drama  de- 
partment, it  was  a  smashing 
success  from  the  efforts  of  a 
great  cast  and  crew. 

The  Players: 

Elma  Duckworth  "a  waitress"  -  Linda  Taylor 

Grace  Hoylard  "restaurant  owner"  -  Lynn  Pettigrew 

Will  Masters  "sheriff"  -  Bill  Kraft 

Cherie  "a  chautease"  -  Terri  Davis 

Dr.  Gerald  Lyman  "former  college  professor"  -  Kevin  Bennett 

Carl  "bus  driver"  -  Vince  Sylvania 

Virgil  Blessing  "ranch  hand"  -  Rob  Emery 

Bo  Decker  "young  rancher  and  cowboy"  -  Bob  Juden 

Terri  Davis  shows  her  talent  as 

"I'm  gonna  get  him",   says  Bob  Juden.   Others  are  Rob  Emery  and  Bill  Kraft 
as  sheriff. 

"Yech!"  Bill  Kraft  gets  the 
makeup  treatment  from  Cheryl 

C.  C.  C.  C.   Choir  under  the  direction  of  Sydney  Pratt,    sing  for  the  Thanksgiving  assembly. 

"Doing  the  Bus  Stop"  are  Allison  Ott,   Pam  Feaster,   Tammi  Graves,  Cindy 
Kinzie,   Renee  Mulkey,   Debbie  Lowry  and  Terri  Tatum. 

Linda  Johnson  gets  a  dance  with  Santa  (Terry 

Student  Government  Association 

SGA  President  and  Vice  Presi- 
dent Ken  Spexarth  and  Lynn 
Petti  grew. 

The  Student  Government  Association,  commonly  referred 
to  as  SGA,  sponsored  many  events  and  activities  for  the  1976- 
1977  year.  Among  them  are  the  various  dances,  Homecoming, 
Arkalalah,  Christmas,  and  Tigerama.  SGA  sponsors  the  Ar- 
kalalah  float,  various  films  shown  throughout  the  year,  the 
Watermelon  feed,  as  well  as  the  blood  mobile,  and  aid  to 
needy  families  which  help  to  serve  the  community.  An  annual 
end  of  the  year  picnic  is  also  SGA  sponsored.  President  Ken 
Spexarth  and  Vice  President  Lynn  Pettigrew  along  with  many 
others  helped  make  events  happen  at  our  college. 

Jim  Mitchell  helps  Kathy  Harris  paint  the  SGA  Arklalah  float, 
Greg  Spexarth  looks  on  with  approval. 

The  SGA  Arklalah  float  was  a  team  effort.  Those  involved  included: 
Back  Row-Ken  Spexarth,  Tammi  Graves,  Kathy  Harris,  Greg  Spex- 
arth.  Front  Row- Jim  Mitchell,  John  Hart,    and  Phil  Foster. 

Glenda  Smith  is  happy  with  the  choice  she  made 
in  one  of  the  many  SGA  sponsored  elections. 

Karen  McConnell  checks  to  make  sure  "they" 
don't  take  too  much  in  the  SGA  sponsored  Blood 

Dr.  Otis  Lovette  explains  why  his  team  (the  Faculty)  lost  the  Blood  Drive 
to  the  victorious  Student  Body. 

Jim  Martin  and  Dr.  Otis  LoVette  were  two 
members  of  the  faculty  who  decided  to  "lay 
down  on  the  job"  and  donate  blood. 

This  past  year  proved  to  be  a  good  one 
for  the  annual  Blood  Drive.  The  two  teams 
(faculty  and  students)  donated  a  total  of 
70  pints,  the  students  leading  with  50  pints 
as  opposed  to  the  faculty's  20  pints.  Dr. 
Otis  LoVette,   captain  of  the  faculty  team, 
had  the  great  honor  of  making  the  apology 
speech  to  the  students  and  parading  through- 
out the  halls  between  classes  while  wearing 
a  giant  hypo-needle  reading,    "My  team  lost 
in  the  college  Blood  Drive".  Although  the 
goal  of  100  pints  was  not  reached,   the  don- 
ors did  a  good  job  and  were  highly  com- 
mended for  it. 

he  best  part  of  donating  blood  is  the 
>od  you  get  afterwards  as  Glenda  Wil 
ams  and  Allison  Ott  soon  found  out. 

Sharon  Regnier  relaxes  and  enjoys  herself  as  she  donates  blood. 

Jim  Martin  patiently  awaits  his  turn. 


Standing:  Maynard  Rippe,   Sharon  Moore,  Lisa  Fencil,   Craig  Hall.  Front  Row:  Miss  Mary  Wilson,   Sue  Lunk- 

wicz,  Vanita  Chandler,  Lonnie  Kendall,  Monica  Marsh. 







June  Finney,  Winfield;  and  Charles  Applegate,  Arkansas  City  look  at  the  Scholarship  from  Emporia  State 
University.  June  Finney,   who  graduated  in  the  top  10  percent  of  the  1977  CCCC  class  and  Charles  Apple- 
gate  each  won  first  place  in  the  Phi  Beta  Lambda  Leadership  Conference  business  competition  held  earlier 
at  Emporia.  Dr.  Gwen  Nelson  congratules  them. 



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Queen  Adrienne  Cox 

Lisa  Fencil 

Cindy  Kinzie 

Connie  Hobaugh 

Queen  Adrienne  and  her  court. 

Mrs.   Linda  Hargrove 
Women's  Coach 

Women's  Volleyball 

Front  Row:  Debbie  Robinson,   Allison  Ott, 
Connie  Hobaugh,   Glenda  Williams.    Back 
Row:  Adrienne  Cox,   Terri  Tatum,    Barb 
Cusic,    Cindy  Kinzie. 

Allison  Ott  serving  the  Ball. 

Coach  Linda  Hargrove  with  All  Region  VI  freshman  Allison  Ott  and  sopho- 
more Cindy  Kinzie. 

Barb  Cusic  sets  the  ball  up  for  Allison  Ott  to  spike  it  over. 


Allison  Ott  goes  for  a  lay-up. 

Cindy  Kinzie  fighting  for  the  ball. 

Nadine  Reed  shooting  for  two  points. 

Close  play  at  second 

(Nov.  22) 


(Nov.  23) 


(Dec.    2) 


(Dec.    4) 


(Dec.    6) 


(Dec.  13) 


(Dec.  16) 


(Dec.  18) 


(Jan.  14) 


(Jan.  15) 


(Jan.  22) 


(Jan.  24) 


(Jan.  27) 


(Feb.    3) 


(Feb.    9) 


(Feb.  14) 


(Feb.  16) 


(Feb.  19) 


(Feb.  21) 


(Feb.  22) 


(Feb.  23) 




*Home  Games 

Butler  County 


Kansas  Newman 




Pratt  County* 


St.  John's  College* 


Kansas  Newman* 


Northern  Oklahoma 


Pratt  County 


St.  John's  College 


Neosho  County* 




Ft.  Scott* 


Allen  County 


Bartlesville  Wesleyan 


Neosho  County 




Butler  County* 


Ft.  Scott 


Allen  County* 


Sub  Regional  Tournament 

Ft.  Scott 






Barb  Cusic  fights  for  a  rebound . 

Women's  Basketball  team  in  aciton.  Doris  Requena,  Cindy 
Kinzie ,  Barb  Cusic ,  Connie  Hobaugh ,  and  Allison  Ott . 





HBP    '    ■  ■  • 

Pam  Feaster,    Linda  Taylor,   Debbie 
Lowry,    Glenda  Smith,    Kathy  Har- 
ris,   Renee  Mulkey,    and  Cindy 
Kinzie.    Not  pictured:  Dara  Collins. 

Cheerleaders  bring  the  basketball 
team  on  the  floor  by  having  a 
break-through  stating,    "Eat  Em 
Up!  "  Jeff  Stromgren  breaks 

Cheerleaders  and  the  crowd  wait 
on  the  field  for  the  football  team 


An  all  freshman  team  faced  the  challenge  and  won  the  Regional  IV  championship,  the  eighth  consecutive 
year  for  the  Tigers,  the  fourth  ■  'sweep. '  ■  Coach  Watters,  Jim  Lawrence,  Jorge  Rojas,  Gary  Titus,  Gary 
Bowra,  Rick  Wertz,  and  Marty  Wahl. 

Apr . 

1977  Tennis 

3  Wichita  State 

10  Philips  University 

12  Central  State 

17  Navarro  Junior  College 

18-19  Navarro  Tourney 

31  Philips  University* 

2  Hutchinson  Tourney 

7  Navarro  Junior  College' 

8-9  CCCC  Tourney* 

12  Tulsa  University 
22-23  Kansas  State 

24  CC  All  Stars* 

25  Oscar  Rose* 

29  Oral  Roberts  Tourney 

30  Regiona  VI  Tourney 

13  Tulsa  University 

*Home  Games 

Gary  Bowra 

Tigers  finished  the  year  with  a 
8-10  record  in  Dual  Competition 
with  both  2  and  4  year  schools. 


Jorge  Rojas 

Rick  Wertz 

Mike  Freeman  waits  for  David 
Bay  to  serve  him  the  ball  on 
the  first  set  assembled,   with 
other  tables  waiting  to  be  as- 
sembled.   Many  students  en- 
joyed Table  Tennis  in  the 
basement  of  the  Student 


Another  event  that  has  lasted  all  year  is  the  CCCC  bowling  league.  They  have  competed  every 
Thursday  night  at  9  at  HillCrest  Lanes.   Winners:  High  10-(highest  single  game)  Randy  Davis,  233; 
Sherry  Dowler,  223.  Hi  30-(highest  total  of  games)  Randy  Davis  587  and  Sherry  Dowler  577.   Most 
improved  bowler  was  Scott  Parsons  who  brought  his  average  up  44  pins.  First  place  team  was  Big 
Mama' a  Bunch.  The  team  consisted  of:  Sherry  Dowler,  Paulette  Ingram,  Kerry  Oliver,  Guy  Miller, 
and  Ed  Foster. 

The  college  sponsored  an  all-school  golf  bash  on  Wednesday,  April  27,  at  Spring  Hill  Golf 
Course.  The  winners  received  a  $5  gift  certificate  from  the  college  bookstore.  Winners:  Jeff  Strom- 
gren,  Abilene  sophomore,  who  shot  a  37  for  nine  holes  and  Linda  Hargrove,  health  and  physical  ed- 
ucation instructor,  who  shot  a  59  for  nine  holes.  The  high  scorers  received  a  $3  gift  certificate 
from  the  bookstore.  Allison  Ott,  Wichita  freshman,  shot  a  99  for  nine  holes  and  Earl  Lewis,  Queens 
N.Y.  sophomore,  shot  a  84  for  nine  holes. 

Student  Center  winners  were:  Men's  single  pool-Ed  Foster;  Men's  Doubles  Pool-Ed  Foster  and 
Jr.  Killman:  Women's  single  pool-Debbie  Davis;  Fooseball  singles -Rod  Smith;  Fooseball  Doubles - 
Rod  Smith  and  Carroll  Middleton;  Ping-Pong  singles -Gary  Titus.  Winners  received  a  Champs  T- 

Coach  Ben  Cleveland  contemplates  his  next  fairway  shot. 

The  first  event  of  the  76-77  school  year  was 
a  tennis  tournament.  Winners  were:  Men's  sin- 
gles-Keith Smith,  Ark  City  sophomore;  Mixed 
doubles -Jeff  and  Diane  Braun,  physical  science 
instructor  and  wife. 

At  the  beginning  of  second  semester  the  intra- 
mural basketball  games  began.  The  league  con- 
sisted of  70  participants.  The  winning  team  of 
the  tournament  was  Chocolate  City.  Players  on 
the  team  were:  Tim  Easter,  Charles  Bell,   Robin 
Cherry,  Mike  Freeman,  Jim  Lane,  Charles 
Woods,  and  John  Jordan.   Each  player  on  the 
team  received  an  Intramural  Champs  T-shirt. 

Intrumural  football  provided  a  lot  of  action 
for  the  CCCC  students  as  well  as  a  chance  to 
compete  against  the  faculty  team  (the  Young  and 
the  Restless).  Kathy  Sanderholm,  member  of  the 
"Roadrunners,  "  lives  up  to  the  name  of  her  team 
as  she  runs  for  a  touchdown  with  the  help  of  Mark 
Crain  and  Linda  Taylor. 

m  a 

Ed  Hargrove,    member  of  the  faculty  team  dribbles  the  ball  dov 
court  hoping  to  score  against  the  Big  C  Machine. 


Steve  Smith  gets  ready  to  putt  as 
Greg  Chandler  looks  on. 

The  faculty  and  The  Big  C  Machine  pi 
one  of  the  Basketball  games  held  in  th< 
Recreation  Building. 

Greg  Gorrell  spikes  it  over  as  Terri  Tati 
goes  to  return  it.   David  Avery  waits  to 


Cast  of  Characters 

Albert  Peterson  -  Steve  Smith 

Rose  Alvarez  -  Glenda  Williams 

Teen  Agers: 

Helen  -  Connie  Hobaugh 

Alice  -  Rene  Robson 

Penelope  Ann  -  Linda  Taylor 

Harold  -  Greg  Chandler 

Harvey  -  Andy  Givens 

Arthur  -  Rick  Atteberry 
Ursula  Merkle  -  Wendy  Lauritzen 
Kim  MacAfee  -  Pam  Krout 
Mrs.   MacAfee  -  Kathy  Gann 
Mr.   MacAfee  -  John  Hart 
Mae  Peterson  -  Sharon  Morlan 

Forest  Smith 

Sydney  Pratt 
Conrad  Birdie  -  Mark  Crain 
Mayor  -  Kevin  Bennett 
Mayor's  Wife  -  Cheryl  Riley 
Hugo  Peabody  -  Lonnie  Kendall 
Randolph  MacAfee  -  Rickie  Holloway 
Gloria  Rasputin  -  Renee  Mulkey 
Ed  Sullivan's  Voice  -  Kevin  Bennett 
Charles  F.   Maude  -  Rick  Atteberry 


Cast  of  Characters 

Myrtle  Mae  Simmons  -  Linda  Taylor 

Veta  Louise  Simmons  -  Sheila  Vanderpool 

Elwood  P.  Dowd  -  Kevin  Bennett 

Mrs.   Ethel  Chauvenet  -  Pam  Krout 

Ruth  Kelly,   R.  N.   -  Laura  Akers 

Duane  Wilson  -  Glen  Morgan 

Lyman  Sanderson,  M.D.   -  Andy  Givens 

William  R.  Chumley,  M.D.   -  David  Avery 

Betty  Chumley  -  Cheryl  Riley 

Judge  Omar  Gaffney  -  Rick  Atteberry 

E.  J.   Lofgren  -  John  Hart 


Students  diligently  work  at  English  composition. 

HUMANITIES  DEPARTMENT:  Jim  Dewell,   Art  Ogden,   Margaret 
Wheeler,   Sydney  Pratt,   Elaine  Brown,   Judith  DuChateau,   and 
Fostine  Moncrief. 

Margaret  Wheeler  conducts  class. 

Fostine  Moncrief  instructs  Tammi  Graves. 

Jim  Dewell 

Art  Ogden 

Margaret  Wheeler 

Elaine  Brown 

Kent  A.   Pierce 






':  ::■ 


Robert  Lawson 

Kent  Pierce's  Psychology  Class. 

Andre1  P.  DuChateau 

Robert  Lawson's  History  Class. 

Mr.   Lawson  and  Sociology  Class. 

Dr.  Otis  K.  LoVette 
Dean  of  Students. 

The  College  has  developed  a  complete  program  of  Student  Services  be- 
cause we  are  committed  to  the  idea  that  education  involves  more  than 
just  the  classroom  experience.  Our  doors  were  always  open  and  inside 
you  could  find  Hope  Speros  and  Forest  Smith,  the  counselors;  Jerry 
Mullen,  the  director  of  financial  aids;  Dick  Carson,  the  director  of 
community  relations;  Irene  Cleveland,  the  bookstore  manager;  Dar- 
lene  Snyder,  the  secretary;  and  Dr.  Otis  LoVette,  the  Dean,  keeping 
busy  working  to  provide  improved  service  programs  for  students. 
Linda  Hargrove  recreation  director,  also  pitched  in  and  continued  to 
expand  the  recreational  offerings  for  our  students.  The  new  Physical- 
Education  Recreation  building  added  greatly  to  our  physical  facilities 
and  allowed  us  to  move  all  of  our  intramural  gym  activities  from  the 
downtown  recreation  center  to  our  own  facility. 

New  emphasis  was  added  to  recruiting  activities  involving  both  student 
services  personnel  and  the  faculty.  The  College  also  began  to  plan  for 
additional  housing  for  the  coming  year  to  accomodate  increased  student 
demand.  The  faculty  also  became  more  involved  in  the  enrollment  pro- 
cess in  an  attempt  to  provide  more  personalized  attention  to  each  stu- 

Forest  Smith  helps  with  student 

Dr.  Otis  LoVette  watches  with 
amusement  as  Art  Ogden  pre- 
pares to  eat  at  the  Student 
Center.  Ben  Cleveland  stares 
in  disbelief. 

Jerry  D.  Mullen,   Financial 
Aids  Officer 

Michael  W.  Watters 

Donald  Hastings 

Mr.  Watters  assists  a  student  in  the  Chemistry 

Natural  Science:  Larry  Clark,   Michael  Watters,  Donald  Hastings, 
Philip  Buechner,  Dr.  Jeff  Braun. 

..":...'■.      :■ 

Philip  Buechner 

Dr.  Jeffery  J.  Braun 

Larry  Clark 

Mr.  Clark  helping  a  student. 

Joe  I.  Isaacson 

Robert  A.  Brennaman 

Miss  Wilson  supervises  secretarial  science  students. 

Mr.  Brennaman's  Class. 

June  Finney  scans  her  typing. 

Elvin  Hatfield 

Mary  N.  Wilson 

Mr.  Anderson  discusses  a  new  project  for  Data  Processing. 

Nancy  Marque  finishes  her  assignment. 


L.  I 









Renn  Memorial  Library 

.  Betty  J.  Martin,  Learn 
Resources  Center 

Mrs.  Marcean  Batman, 
media  technician 

The  instructional  staff  at  CCCC-AVTS  is  one  of  the  best 
qualified  and  most  dedicated  staffs  to  be  found  anywhere!  Our 
fine  General  Education  division  offers  all  of  the  courses 
needed  for  the  first  two  years  of  college  and  more.  We  are 
also  proud  of  the  fact  that  our  Occupational  Education  divi- 
sion has  more  programs  available  than  most  institutions  of 
this  size. 

We  all  hope  that  your  experiences  with  us  have  been  as 
productive  and  enjoyable  for  you  as  they  have  been  for  us. 
We  were  very  proud  of  our  student  body  this  year  and  are 
looking  forward  to  seeing  many  of  you  again  next  fall. 

On  behalf  of  the  staff  and  myself,  we  extend  our  very  best 
wishes  to  all  of  you  and  we  hope  you  will  keep  in  touch  with 
us.  Good  luck! 

A.F.  Buffo 

Dean  of  Instruction 

Dean  Buffo  hosts  a  work  session. 

A.  F.  Buffo 

Dean  of  Instruction 

Walt  Mathiasmeier 

Director  of  Community  Services 


/4#Hk       W[^> 

^  to  kw 


Bill  Scott 

■  a 

Merle  Dwyer 

Buildings  And  Grounds 

The  friendly  folks  who 
keep  our  campus  "look- 
in'  good.  "  Jerry  Hew- 
itt,   Raymond  Schwartz, 
Ron  McClellan,   Frank 
Venegas,    Doris  Requena 
and  Weldon 

It's  the  secretarial  staff  who  really  keeps  things  running.  Clockwise,    Left  To  Right:  Wanda  Shepherd, 
Jackie  Everett,   Marcean  Batman,    Ruth  Gillock,   Cheryl  Wahlenmaier,   Gerry  Thompson,    Rose  Ann 
Sprague,  Gayla  Youngblood,    and  Darlene  Snyder. 

Betty  Jones 

Student  assistant,   Monica  Marsh  helps  Garry  Bowra. 

Irene  Cleveland 











Mrs.  Wheeler  talks  with  students  before 
the  Honors  Banquet. 

Parents  Night 

Students  enjoy  the  pool  and 
fooseball  facilities  provided 
by  the  Student  Center.  Part  of 
the  profit  from  the  Student 
Center  game  room  tables  is 
reinvested  into  Student  Activi- 

Michael  L.  Wilson 

Conrad  Jimison 

Richard  Tredway  instructs  lab. 

Richard  Tredway 

Conrad  Jimison,   John  Davis,    and  Ed  Rau  discuss  their  recent 
trip  to  Denver. 

Vernon  watches  as  Teresa  Shea  combs  out 

Janice  Ostrander  doing  a  manicure. 

The  Senior  Citizens'  Complex 
under  construction  in  the  northern 
part  of  Arkansas  City. 

Senior  citizens  enjoy  many  classes  offered  free -of -charge  at  CCCC, 















IXMi  * 

The  Recreation  Building,   completed  in  the  Fall  of  1976,    was  enjoyed 
by  students  participating  in  athletic  activities. 

Coach  Mullen  hands  out  awards  to 
Tiger  Basketball  team  members  Rob- 
ert Milner,   Clifton  Jones,    Ronnie 
Ryer,   David  Powell,  Joe  McClendon, 
John  Dautel,  Aaron  Cusic,   Jeff 
Stromgren,   Keith  Robinson,    and 
Dallas  Hodges. 

Women's  Coach  Linda  Hargrove  gives 
awards  to  women  athletes;  Connie 
Hobaugh,    Terri  Tatum,   Glenda  Wil- 
liams,  Cindy  Kinzie,   Barbara  Cusic, 
Adrienne  Cox,    and  Allison  Ott. 


r"l^l.   ,  ^i.  t:Mam 

:nda  Smith,   Jane  Campbell,    Bob  Johnson,    Dick 


Aaron  Cusic,   Sports 

David  Devereux,    Reporter 

Kevin  Bennett,    Reporter 



Dick  Carson,   Sponsor 

Kerry  Oliver,   Photographer 
Marsha  Trent,   Co-Editor 

Paula  Fieandt,   Co-Editor 

Bob  Johnson,    Reporter 

l:  ■'■ 


Bob  Emery,  Advertising  Manager 


Earl  Lewis,   Sports 

Bob  Cox,  Art 

*   A- 

>.  =*« 




.-   .:.  W  ,4 




>        *r' 

KHESS  Officers:  Sandra  Banta,  President  (not  pictured);  Linda  Johnson,  Secretary-Treasurer;  Linda 
Taylor,  Vice-President;  Connie  Hobaugh,  SGA  Representative;  Karen  McConnell,  member;  Patti 
Harris,    member. 

The  Bridal  showcase  sponsored  by  KHESS,  helps  to  inform  prospective  Brides  and 
Grooms  about  weddings,  and  formal  wear.  This  year's  fashion  show  was  put  on  by  the 
BRIDAL  BOUTIQUE  of  Ponca  City,  Oklahoma. 

lonnie  Hobaugh  shows  a  bridesmaid 
Iress  designed  for  a  garden  wedding. 

Wendy  Lauritzen  displays  a  wedding 
gown  with  a  smile. 

Adrienne  Cox  and  Ronnie  Ryer  couple  up  during 
the  KHESS  Bridal  Showcase. 


Mr.   Sydney  Pratt 
Music  Instructor 

Spring  Swing.   College  Choir  practicing  for  the  spring  musical  presentation.  Front  Row:  Ronnie  Ryer. 
Second  Row:  Wendy  Lauritzen,   Donna  McClung,    Connie  Hobaugh,    Terri  Davis,  Adrienne  Cox,   Tarn- 
mi  Graves,    and  Glenda  Williams.  Third  Row:  John  Hart,   Greg  Chandler,   Mark  Crain,   Steve  Smith, 
Robin  Cherry,    Rick  Wamego,   and  Monica  Marsh. 

College  Pep  Band.  Members:  Rick  Atteberry,   David  Avery,    Rick  Baker,   Kevin  Bennett,   Marilyn  Benton, 
Jane  Campbell,  Brenda  Triplett,   Stan  Vaughn,   Dale  White,   Karen  Walcher,   Kathy  Harris,   Kendall  Ran- 
dall, Keith  Smith,   Mark  McGehan,   Tammi  Graves,   Terry  Juden,   Diane  Gordon,  Pam  Krout,   Holly 
Robinson,  Howard  Shrader,   Glenda  Smith,  JoAnne  Holt,  Andy  Givens,    and  Jamie  Givens. 



The  first  Honors  Banquet  was  held  on 
Tuesday,  May  3,  at  7  p.m.  in  the  Student 
Center  Dining  Room.   Recognized  were 
many  students  from  various  groups,  or- 
ganizations, and  clubs. 

Head  table  at  Honors  Banquet:  Dr.  Otis  LoVette,  Mrs. 
Lu  Nelson,  Dr.  Gwen  Nelson,  Connie  Hobaugh,  Hope 
Speros,    Mr.   Bill  Scott. 

Connie  Hobaugh  receives  the  Dean's  Award  from 
Dean  of  Students,    Dr.   Otis  LoVette. 

Musical,   Bye,   Bye,   Birdie. 
Front  Row:  Renee  Mulkey, 
Wendy  Lauritzen,   Connie 
Hobaugh,   Linda  Taylor,    Rene 
Robson,   Cheryl  Riley,   Kathy 
Gann,  Pam  Krout,    Sidney 
Pratt  (Music  Instructor), 
Glenda  Williams.  Back  Row: 
Jerry  Hewitt,  Lonnie  Ken- 
dall,  David  Avery,    Kevin 
Bennett,  John  Hart,  Andy 
Givens,   Rick  Atteberry, 
Mark  Crain,   Steve  Smith, 
Elaine  Brown  (Director). 

Student  Government 
Association:  Special, 
Connie  Hobaugh,    Ken 
Mann,   Hope  Speros 
(Sponsor),   John  Hart, 
Lynn  Pettigrew-Vice- 
President;  Ken  Spex- 
arth- President;  Tammi 

KHESS:  Connie  Ho- 
baugh-SGA  Represen 
tative;  Linda  Johnson 
Linda  Taylor-Vice- 
President;  Carol  Ho- 
baugh (Sponsor).  Not 
pictured:  Sandra  Banta- 

Nho's  Who  in  American  Junior  Colleges:  Jeff  Stromgren,    Ken  Spexarth,    Sandy  Newman,    Lynn  Pettigrew,    Renee  Mulkey,    Martin  Becker, 
/Vendy  Lauritzen,    Cindy  Kinzie,    Bob  Juden,    John  Hart,    Tammi  Graves,    Charles  Applegate,    Terri  Davis,    and  June  Finney. 

Spring  Play-"Harvey":  Glen  Morgan,   Jerry  Hewitt,    Lonnie  Kendall,   Wendy  Lauritzen,   Pam  Krout, 
Cherly  Riley,    Linda  Taylor,    Rick  Atteberry.    Back  Row:  David  Avery,   John  Hart,   Andy  Givens, 
Kevin  Bennett.   Not  pictured:  Sheila  Vanderpool,    Laura  Akers. 

Fall  Play-  "Bus  Stop":  Pam  Krout 
Wendy  Lauritzen,  Lynn  Pettigrew, 
Kevin  Bennett,  Robert  Emery, 
Bill  Kraft,  Bob  Juden,  Linda  Tay- 
lor, Terri  Davis,  and  Mrs.  Elaine 

Band:  Kathy  Harris,   Brenda  Triplet,   Tammi  Graves,   Pam  Krout,   Dale  White,   David  Avery,   Keith  Smith,  Andy  Givens,   Mark  Mc- 
Gehan,   Kevin  Bennett,    Rick  Attebeny,  Jane  Campbell.  Band  Director,   Sydney  Pratt. 

Mr.  Jean  Gough 
Director,   String  Ensemble 

String  Ensemble:  Lisa  Fencil,   Scott  Carpenter,   Dr.  Gwen  Nelson,    Rosel  Mulkey,   Greg  Jurrens,   Vivi 
an  Lawson. 

Phi  Beta  Lambda:  Miss  Wilson,  Hol- 
ly Highbee,   Vanita  Chandler, 
Sharon  Morlan,   June  Finney,   Moni- 
ca Marsh -Recording  Secretary;  Sue 
Lunkwicz-Rer5orter;  Charles  Apple - 
£ate -President;  Lisa  Fencil-Corre- 
ponding  Secretary;  Martin  Becker- 
Historian;  Lonnie  Kendall-Treasur- 
er. Not  pictured:  Holly  Robinson- 

esident's  Honor  Roll:  Dale  White,    Lila  Hudgins,    Sharon  Moore,    Connie  Nugen,    Robert  Milner,    Chris  Mackey,    Margaret  Wheeler 
ponsor),    Sue  Lunkwicz,    Gary  Ketter,    Raymond  Ferguson,    Sandy  Newman,    Connie  Hobaugh,   Jean  Cadek,    and  Flourene  Parmiter.  Not 
ctured:  William  Burton,    George  Fisher,    Michael  Gardner,    Bernard  Gonzales,   Diane  Gordon,    Nguyen  Hong,    Marcia  Huffstutter,    Rob- 
t  Johnson,   Arynn  King,    Donna  McClung,    Walter  Pinkston,    Leon  Schneider,   Doug  Tredway,    Margaret  Wencel  and  Mindy  Weston. 

Vgri-Business  Association:  Greg  Spexarth-Secretary;  Ed  Rau -President;  Emil 
Vittenborn,    Vice-President;  Richard  Tredway.   Not  pictured  Phil  Foster- 

Tiger  Action  Club  (TAC):  John  Hart-  Most  Active 
Member;  Robert  Emery-President;  Connie  Ho- 
baugh-Secretary;  Linda  Hargrove,   Sponsor. 

orus:  Ronnie  Ryer,    Wendy  Lauritzen,    Terri  Davis,    Glenda  Williams,    Cindy  Austin,   Mark  Crain,   John  Hart,    Connie  Hobaugh,    Sydney 
tt  (Music  Director)  Tammi  Graves,    Monica  Marsh,   John  Dautel,    Steve  Smith,    Robin  Cherry.   Not  pictured:  Donna  McClung,    Rich- 
l  Wamego,    Greg  Chandler,   Adrienne  Cox,    and  Pam  Reyez. 

Judith  DuChateau 
Tiger  Daze  Co-Sponsor 
Art  Instructor 

Tiger  Daze  Staff:  Marilyn  Benton  -  Assistant;  John  Hart  -  Assistant;  Debbie  Lowry  -  Staff; 
Terri  Davis  -  Assistant;  Rene  Robson  -  Staff;  Robert  Emery  -  Editor;  Dick  Carson  -  Sponsol 
Not  shown,   Kerry  Oliver,  photographer. 

1976-1977  Presidential  -  Principal  Scholarship  Bob  Hoyt,  Dara  Collins,  Patti  Harris,  I 
Chris  Mackey,  Doris  Requena,  Dr.  Gwen  Nelson.  Not  pictured:  Merry  Crawford,  Ne| 
Leedy,   Curtis  Littrell,    and  Tom  May. 


Student  Publications,   Cycle  Staff:  Kerry  Oliver  -  Head  Photographer;  Earl  Lewis  -  Reporter;  Bob 
Cox  -  Art  Editor;  Glenda  Smith  -  Reporter;  Jane  Campbell  -  Reporter;  Marsha  Trent  -  Co-Editor; 
Paula  Fieandt  -  Co-Editor. 
















L.   To  R. :  Mr.  Harold  B.  Walker,   Mr.  Joe  McFall,   Dr.  Charles  Kerr  (Chairman),   Mr.  S.  Andrew 
Swoyer,   Mr.  W.  H.    (Pat)  Ireland.  Not  Pictured:  Mr.  Aubrey  C.  Foster,    Sr. 



i     V' 




is"     ' 

Mr.   Joe  McFall 
»r.   Gwen  Nelson,    CCCC  President 

Dr.   Charles  Kerr 
Mr.  S.  Andrew  Swoyer 

Mr.  W.  H.   (Pat)  Ireland 
Mr.  Harold  B.  Walker 






12  12  HIE  12  15 

Donald  A.  Barclay,  Jr. 
Police  Science 
Arkansas  City,    Ks. 

Soledad  Barlow 
South  Haven,    Ks. 




■**'~  0 

m  .^d 

'^wi    M\ 

Sat     ;    ^U 

Cindy  Austin 

Charles  Applegate 


Ricky  M.  Baker 

Business  Administration 

South  Haven,    Ks. 

Liberal  Arts 

Arkansas  City,    Ks. 

Caldwell,   Ks. 

Martin  Becker 
Business  Administration 
Winfield,   Ks. 



Kevin  J.   Bennett 
Liberal  Arts 
Arkansas  City,    Ks. 

Marilyn  W.  Benton 


Chilocco,    Okla. 

Mary  Kathleen  Bledsoe 
Liberal  Arts 
Arkansas  City,    Ks. 

Regina  Buller 
Medical  Technology 
York,  Neb. 

Vanita  L.  Chandler 
Clerk  Typist 
Arkansas  City,    Ks. 

Albert  Crane 
Machine  Shop 
Winfield,   Ks. 

Randy  L.   Davis 
Liberal  Arts 
Sedan,    Ks. 

Terri  L.  Davis 
Secondary  Education 
Winfield,   Ks. 

Arlen  Endicott 
Auto  Mechanics 
Arkansas  City,    Ks. 

Melinda  Rowan  Evans 
Secondary  Education 
Wellington,    Ks. 

June  C.  Finney 
Data  Processing 
Winfield,   Ks. 

Alexander  Garcia 
Police  Science 
Arkansas  City,   Ks. 

Gregory  D.  Gorrell 
Liberal  Arts 
Wichita,    Ks. 

Tammi  Graves 
Arkansas  City,    Ks. 

John  L.  Hart 
Liberal  Arts 
Arkansas  City,    Ks. 

Rick  Hawkins 
Arkansas  City, 


Jerry  W.  Hewitt 
Liberal  Arts 
Topeka,   Ks. 

Joanne  Holt 
Harper,   Ks. 

Louis  Hoover 
Winfield,   Ks. 

Connie  Hotchkin 
Winfield,   Ks. 

Robert  Juden 
Liberal  Arts 
Arkansas  City, 

Martin,   Martin  Becker,   Sue 
Lunkwicz,    Sandy  Newman, 
Tammi  Graves,  June  Finney, 
Renee  Mulkey,   Leon  Schnei- 
der. Not  pictured:  Jean  Cadek, 
Bernard  Gonzales,   Richard 
Hodges,   Melvin  B.  Johnson, 
Kim  Loehrs,  Jon  Patrick,   and 
Mary  Veach. 

Marvin  Ke  a  sling 
Auto  Mechanics 
Winfield,    Ks. 

Lonnie  Kendall 
Data  Processing 
Winfield,   Ks. 

Brian  Lee  Kolman 
Auto  Mechanics 
Wellington,    Ks. 

Judith  K.  Kunkel 
Office  Education 
Winfield,   Ks. 

Earl  Lewis 

Liberal  Arts 

New  York  City,   N.Y. 

Debbie  K.   Lowry 
Elementary  Education 
Oxford,   Ks. 

Sue  E.  Lunkwicz 
Data  Processing 
Winfield,   Ks. 

Steven  R.   McCord 
Automotive  Technology 
Arkansas  City,    Ks. 

Carroll  D.  Middleton 
E  Liberal  Arts 
Udall,   Ks. 

Mohammed  A.  M.  Mohia 
Automotive  Technology 
Saudi  Arabia 

Glen  E.  Morgan 
Liberal  Arts 
Stillwater,    Okla. 

Mary  R.   Morris 
Arkansas  City,   Ks. 

Phi  Hong  (Rosie)  Nguyen 
Winfield,    Ks. 

Linda  Susan  Pettigrew 
Liberal  Arts 
Dexter,    Ks. 

Mark  D.  Pottorff 
Douglass,   Ks. 


r>  * 

Michael  L.  Pottorff 
Douglass,    Ks. 

Marcia  L.  Powell 
Winfield,   Ks. 

Kyndol  L.  Randol 
Liberal  Arts 
Arkansas  City,   Ks. 

Ruby  Robbins 
Clerk  Typist 
Arkansas  City,    Ks. 

Teresa  Shea 
Wichita,   Ks. 

Sharian  Shelton 
Cambridge,   Ks. 

&£fuvt  y*\ 

Keith  E.  Smith 



Arkansas  City,    Ks. 


Rodney  D.  Smith 

'              w 


"  "Jfl 

Winfield,    Ks. 

Linda  S.  Stinnett 


Belle  Plaine,   Ks. 





Jeffrey  T.  Stromgren 
Secondary  Education 
Abilene,    Ks. 

Dan  Tapia 
Educ  ation 
Winfield,   Ks. 

LaVona  Wallace 

Mental  Health  Technology 

Winfield,   Ks. 

Rick  Wamego 
Arkansas  City,    Ks. 

Margene  Wheeler 
Liberal  Arts 
Oxford,   Ks. 

Dale  B.  White 
Machine  Shop 
Arkansas  City,    Ks. 

Not  Pictured:  Aleah  Allison,    Virginia  Louise  Almond,    Teresa  Susann  Armstrong,    Richard  D.   Bain,    Ricky  L.   Ball,    Ronald  L.   Bilyeu, 
Dwane  A.   Binford,    Gary  Martin  Bowman,    James  P.   Brown,    Barbara  J.   Buck,    William  O.   Burton,  Jean  Marie  Cadek,   James  Chamber- 
land,   John  M.   Colba,    Merry  M.   Crawford,    Karen  K.   David  Crow,    Sherrie  D.   Cullum,   John  Dee  Davis,   Jr.,    Mark  Wayne  Davis.    Rex 
V.   Deal,    Daniel  W.   Douglas,    Steve  Dowler,    Robert  M.   Fallier,    Raymond  Lee  Ferguson,    George  Fisher,    Wesley  M.   Flory,    Robert 
Gammon,    Benjamin  R.   Givens,    Bernard  Gonzales,    Stanley  K.  Harp,    Katherine  Sue  Harris,    Tom  R.   Hartman,   Holly  Joann  Higbee, 
John  Dallas  Hodges,    Richard  W.  Hodges,    Ora  O.  Holt  III,   Marvin  John  Houk,   Jr.,    Debra  S.  Hunter,    Dennis  E.  Huston,   Ann  Renee 
Ingram,    Cthell  C.  Jeffery,    Flozella  Dolly  Johnson,    Melvin  B.  Johnson,    Terry  Dean  Juden,   John  Wesley  Keasling,    Gearl  Junior  Killman, 
Cindy  Denise  Kinzie,   Sue  Lancaster,    Wendy  Sue  Lauritzen,    Kim  D.   Loehrs,    Marcia  E.   Loffer,    Debbie  A.   Lundgren,    Kenneth  Charles 
Mann,    Vicky  Lynn  Marrs,    David  W.   Martin,    Mark  Anthony  McVey,    Sharon  Moore,    Sondra  Kaylene  Morlan,   Gregory  Morris,    Renee 
Mulkey,    Pamela  Sue  Nelson,    Betty  Lou  New,    Sandy  Newman,    Gregory  L.   Nixon,    Connie  Sue  Nugen,    Shelby  J.  Pappan,   Jon  D. 
Patrick,    Robert  B.  Patterson,   Ann  M.  Perry,   John  V.  Plummer,    Cynthia  Jane  Powders,    Glenn  E.  Powell,   Saundra  K.  Quintero,    Robert 
Covell  Rader,    David  Scott  Rains,    Edward  L.    Rau,    Maynard  Ray  Rippe,    William  A.    Robison,    Gregory  Dean  Sawyer,    ieon  Schneider, 
Thelma  Nadine  Scott,    Wendy  Sue  Skinner,   Steven  Vincent  Smith,    C.   Dean  Sparks,    Kenneth  R.   Spexarth,    Walter  Staten,    Stephen  M. 
Stittsworth,    Robert  Dale  Stone,    Cecilia  M.   Thielen,    Colene  Gayle  Thomson,    Mary  Kathryn  McBride  Veach,    Lu  Ann  Volavka, 
Rowena  Gail  Weathers,    R.   David  Webb,    Margaret  J.   Wencel,    Michael  Douglas  Widler,   James  Mitchell  Wilson,    Terry  Witte,   Emil 
Lee  Wittenborn. 

Orville  R.   White 
Liberal  Arts 
Arkansas  City,    Ks